In the spirit of R-rated animated films like Heavy Metal and the works of Ralph Bakshi, Riff Lodge Animation (the studio behind the mind-blowing music video for Conan’s “Throne of Fire”) are creating an EPIC feature-length fantasy/science-fiction film titled “The Planet of Doom”, created entirely by both artists and bands within the doom/stoner/psych/metal genres. Set for release in 2020 and subtitled as “An Animated Tale of Metal and Art”, “The Planet of Doom” features a worldwide assembly of 17 respected artists and animators and 18 revered bands and promises to present a colossal compendium of underground culture and this generation’s ode to counterculture. On June 22, Ripple Music will release First Contact: Music From The Original Soundtrack ‘The Planet of Doom’, a teaser EP including four of the film’s featured groups: Mos Generator (USA), Messa (Italy), Vokonis (Sweden) and Slomatics (Ireland).
Written by art director/producer David Paul Seymour and adapted into a screenplay by animator/director Tim Granda, “The Planet of Doom” is one continuous tale broken up into 15 chapters, each interpreted by a different artist and band team-up. The film contains no spoken dialogue, opting instead to tell the tale via the lyrics of the soundtrack’s original music. In the film, the titular hero, Halvar The Brave, seeks vengeance aboard a witch-born chopper, journeying across a psychedelic landscape on a quest to defeat the deadly beast Mördvél for the slaying of his beloved bride.
““The Planet of Doom” is a tribute to heavy music and the art that accompanies that type of music.” says Seymour. “With this film, we’re seeking to encapsulate the music and art community that Tim and I are a proud part of with one epic body of work. We are also naturally bringing in all sorts of fringe countercultures who’ve attached to this same community: bikers, skateboarders, comic book, and sci-fi fantasy fans. It’s a really vibrant and diversified community, and we’ve certainly brought in the right ambassadors to represent it properly.”
“One of the things we loved about Heavy Metal was the format. We really dug how the style of art changed from one sequence to the next, as if you were reading an issue of their magazine,” adds Granda. “But rather than use a plot device like the “Loc-Nar” to tie a series of unrelated segments together, we wanted to stick to one story that’s split up into a series of chapters, with each being told by a different band and artist.”
The complete list of artists and bands contributing to “The Planet of Doom” reads like a who’s who of the modern day underground scene. Contributing artists include David Paul Seymour, Skinner, Pascal Blanche, Ian Bederman, Maarten Donders, Adam Burke, Alexis Ziritt, Dave Olteanu, Burney, Justin Mohlman, Mikey McKennedy, Matt Stikker, Jason Cruz, Simon Berndt, Gorgeous George, Brian Profilio, Tim Granda, and Forrest Cavacco.
Bands and musicians that will appear on the film’s soundtrack include Cirith Ungol, Wo Fat, Ufomammut, Mos Generator, Slomatics, Elephant Tree, Vokonis, Phillip Cope (Kylesa), Slow Season, Messa, Summoner, Space Witch, Destroyer of Light, Mother Crone, and Tim Granda.
First Contact: Music From The Original Soundtrack ‘The Planet of Doom’ track listing:
1.) Mos Generator “Sword of the Sea’
2.) Messa “Serpent Libido”
3.) Vokonis “Runa”
4.) Slomatics “Jagaer”
Pre-order First Contact: Music From The Original Soundtrack ‘The Planet of Doom’ at this location.
David Paul Seymour and Tim Granda are available to speak with interested media. To chat with the artists and/or request a review copy of First Contact: Music From The Original Soundtrack ‘The Planet of Doom’, simply contact Carl Schultz at ACTION! PR.
“The Planet of Doom” channels spirit of “Heavy Metal” movie.” – Heavy Metal Magazine
“Now THIS is an animated movie I’ll take my kids to! Fuck Frozen, it’s all about “The Planet of Doom”!” – Cvltnation
“I could gush and go on and on about the admirable undertaking that is bringing so many artists and bands together…It’s a massive, comprehensive project.” – The Obelisk
“The Planet of Doom”…looks so damn epic and manly that it just shot right to the top of the list of my most hotly anticipated animated films.” – Dread Central
All of us here at The Planet of Doom are stoked to announce that the Swedish band Vokonis has just signed up for the film. Check them out if you haven’t already, you’ll be thrilled you did! Word is, they’re headed back to the studio next month to lay down their POD track while recording material for their brand new album.
Here’s what Joop Konraad from Stoner HiVe had to say about their latest album:
Sweden. One of those chosen countries. And definitely when it comes to allthe heavy stuff we all love so dearly. The list of amazing bands coming from that country is simply endless, and new ones pop up every day. Some of which of course stem from outfits that stopped for whatever reason at the time. One of them is Vokonis, comprised out of members from Creedsmen, Arise, and Ginger Trees. A power trio in every sense of that word. Powerful. Heavy. Doom. Stoner. Metal. All of it applies to a maximum and all of them fall short in telling the real story of Vokonis. For that you will have to experience the full force of the six amazing tracks on their debut effort called Olde One Ascending. They dipped deep into the pool of Iommi and drank heavily of everything Sabbath and Sleep while clashing their cups which are filled to the brim with majestic riffs and exalted repetition with fellow countrymen Monolord. Like the laugh of a man sentenced to death, their trucking sends shivers down your spine. And even though all the tracks have that hazy stoner doom edge, they all have a very own atmosphere and identity. And they are all of such a high level and transcending nature one can only expect Vokonis to rise and reach even greater heights then what was expected or the Creedsmen. Yes, that Ozium Records label knows where the truly good stuff can be found. Yes, Olde One Ascending is solid, roadworthy and amazing. Smoky tunes for gnarly beards drowning in pints of lager. We love it!
Hailing from the Swedish city of rain, they were held indoors and practiced, played and cried tears of fuzz days on end. Eventually these hours of fuzz would turn into songs that would become their first album “Olde One Ascending”. Which would receive critical acclaim from all corners of the world.
With a focus on volume, fuzz and riffs they’ve played just over 20 shows in their first year as a band and have played with acts such as Skraeckoedlan, Snailking and Yuri Gagarin. They are not letting up and are relentless in their quest for heavy tone.