In the spirit of R-rated animated films like Heavy Metal and the works of Ralph Bakshi, Riff Lodge Animation (the studio behind the mind-blowing music video for Conan‘s Throne of Fire) are setting out to produce an EPIC feature-length fantasy/science-fiction film called The Planet of DOOM, created entirely by artists and bands in the doom/stoner/psych/metal genres.
The Planet of DOOM is an animated film in which our hero, Halvar the brave, seeks vengeance aboard a witch-born chopper, journeying across a psychedelic landscape on a quest to defeat the deadly beast Mördvél for the slaying of his beloved bride.
The saga contains no spoken dialogue, opting instead to regale the revenge tale of hero Halvar through the lyrics of the film’s original music.
Based upon a story by art director David Paul Seymour, and with a screenplay by animator/director Tim Granda, The Planet of DOOM unwinds across 14 song-chapters, with each being interpreted by a different artist and band team-up. The film will also contain subtitles, so you’ll never miss a lyric no matter how insane things get!